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How to Reduce Blue Light on Phone?

How to Reduce Blue Light on Phone?

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in consumer behaviour when it comes to digital devices such as computers and smartphones. With their newly improved versions hitting the market at frequent intervals, offering features that serve multiple functions, people have become increasingly dependent on their devices. From transport to payments and streaming to gaming, the way we consume media has intensified. Resultantly, we are left exposed with the blue light in a degree greater than what the eyes should be exposed to.

Since these lifestyle changes are irreversible and only seem to grow more towards digital dependence on a larger scale, it is vital to invest in eyewear that can regulate blue light exposure and protect the eyes from its harmful effects. Due to these growing concerns, many devices come with the in-built technology of limiting blue light emission after sunset. Many users may be unaware of the same because of the endless features that may be offered by a device. Therefore, let us look at how to reduce blue light on phone while using your screen, so you minimize the damage caused to your eyes.

Blue Light Exposure

Before looking at steps on how to reduce blue light on phone, let us understand why blue light is harmful for eye health. Blue light naturally exists in nature, one that we are exposed to during the day. This natural blue light exposure throughout the day is responsible for regulating our circadian rhythm, in effect telling our bodies it is time to rest as the day draws to a close. Blue light that is emitted from digital screens such as computers, laptops, and smartphones is artificial blue light and prolonged exposure to it after sunset can disrupt our sleep schedules. This leads to fatigue and frequent headaches.

Prolonged and unfiltered exposure to blue light leads to eye strain from screen glares and rapid macular degeneration, where the eyes may develop ‘computer screen syndrome’ if you spend exceptionally long hours on your device. Since the time spent on devices has grown exponentially across age groups and markets, one needs to invest in computer glasses as a primary step in protecting the eyes from premature degeneration and damage eventually. Since eyewear is a common choice, one can also explore how to reduce blue light on phone to keep the harmful effects of blue light at bay.

How to Reduce Blue Light on Phone?

Apart from investing in computer glasses to reduce exposure to blue light, you can go into the settings of their device and change its blue light emissions to level that is comfortable to the eye. Smartphones today have a feature of ‘Night Light,’ or ‘Night Shift’ built into their software, where you can go into the ‘Display’ or ‘Brightness’ Settings and change the intensity of blue light exposure on your eyes. You can also set the time at which the device automatically shifts to Night Mode. For example, you can set the Night Shift duration from 8 PM to 7 AM. An auto brightness setting on the phones can also automatically shift to night mode or day mode by gauging the device’s geolocation and clock time.

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Some devices may come with the setting on a display Blue Light Filter, which can be found on swiping down the notification bar and accessing quick settings. The Blue Light Filter can be toggled to be on or off as per your requirement, or you can head over to the main display settings and set a custom schedule during which the blue light filter will be enabled automatically.

Another way of knowing how to reduce blue light on phone, is by externally applying a blue light filter screen guard or film on the device screen that limits blue light exposure.

Eyes are one of the most sensitive parts and is prone to premature deterioration due to screen time and high-stress lifestyles. Therefore, it is important to know how to reduce blue light on phone, and invest in eyewear from trusted brands such as Titan Eyeplus that offers the best eye care solutions with a touch of style.

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