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Here’s How to Check Blue Cut Lenses as a Novice

Here’s How to Check Blue Cut Lenses as a Novice

Protective eyewear has become a lifestyle essential in recent times, especially with the increased dependency on digital devices people have grown into. From computer monitors to smartphones, the way we consume media and fulfil work obligations round the clock has caused us to be exposed to harsh digital light at amounts that can be detrimental to eye health eventually. To protect your eyes from such hazardous effects, eyewear makers such as Titan Eyeplus focus on designing computer glasses or blue light glasses. These glasses can significantly lessen blue light exposure and help maintain your eye health.

Since computer or blue cut glasses have made their way into the eyewear market and collections in recent years, it is important to find the best match designed to fulfil all your eye care needs in a seamless manner. If you are a first-time buyer, it is important to know how to check blue cut lenses in glasses that have a blue light filter. There are many standard and straightforward ways in which you can check the glasses with a blue light filter test before buying a pair.
Let us see how to check blue cut lenses as a novice, with some simple steps to follow.

What is Blue Light?

The artificial or digital light that is emitted by computer and smartphone screens while in use is called blue light. Blue light exists in nature as well. It regulates our circadian rhythm in the daytime, so the body knows it needs rest after sunset. When we are exposed to artificial blue light after sunset, it can disrupt our circadian rhythm and cause trouble in falling asleep and getting rest. Prolonged and unfiltered exposure to blue light can also lead to long-term eye damage, and cause problems such as dry eyes, frequent headaches, dizziness, and double vision.

Therefore, it is important to invest in blue light or blue cut glasses as they can filter out the harmful blue light from screens and keep your eyes healthy and protected throughout. To know if your glasses have a blue cut lens or not, you can see how to check blue cut lenses below and follow the steps given.

How to Check Blue Cut Lenses?

Blue cut lenses across brands are often not designed the same. You can expect some discrepancies when the glasses may fail to deliver during usage. An accurate blue light glasses test requires the usage of a spectral analyser, which is a device that may not be at a standard consumer’s disposal. The foremost way, if you want to know how to check blue cut lenses, is to ask your eyewear provider or brand for a spectrum report. A good pair of blue cut glasses will report at least 30% of blue-light filtering capacity across the blue range.

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But there are some easier ways to determine the quality of your blue cut lenses yourself and how effective they are. The first is the reflection test, where you should observe the colour of the light being reflected off the lenses when you put it on. If the colour is blue, then one can rest assured that the blue light is being filtered effectively. If the colour of the light reflection is leaning more towards purple or violet, the blue light filtering capacity is not adequate.

Another suggested method, if you want to know how to check blue cut lenses, is to put on your blue light glasses on a clear sunny day and look towards the sky. Clear blue cut lenses on normal wear should have a slight yellow tint when they are designed with a minimum of 30% blue light filtering capacity. One can also observe an RGB colour wheel with their blue light glasses on and check if the blue portion turns dark grey and the cyan portion blends into green. This will ensure that your glasses are indeed equipped with blue cut lenses.

Knowing how to check blue cut lenses can come in handy when purchasing computer glasses for daily wear. Since it has grown to become an important lifestyle investment than a simple accessory, eyewear makers such as Titan Eyeplus offer premium blue cut lenses in their eyewear collections with a guarantee of style and function. Visit your nearby store or browse online to explore the Titan collection.

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